John “Kawche Cheekezik” Scott
Meda / Scott Lake
Sawyer County Record Jan. 3, 1929
John Scott, a veteran of the Civil War, passed away last Saturday and was buried Monday morning at Reserve. So far as is known he was the last survivor of the Civil War among the Indians of the reservation and one of the very last now residing in the community. Until the last year he has been active and well and seldom missed a meeting with his fellow comrades on Decoration Day. The day is not far distant when the old lines will be truly applicable to the veterans in this little community. “The muffled drum’s sad roll, has beat the soldier’s last tatoo…”
According to the article “Chief Lake Indian Village” by Rick St. Germaine published in the Lac Courte Oreilles Journal in Aug. 1986, John Scott lived in the Paquayawong area until the power company condemned the land to build a dam and flood the area. “Old John Scott, the Civil War veteran, moved from the area two miles east of the Trading Post to the Chief Lake area. Ironically, the water which drove him out by deluging his old homestead was named after him, Scott Lake.”
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