My late uncle, Leonard Dorazio, was 14 years old when Louie Spray caught the World Record musky. My uncle told me that he was working at my grandparents’ resort (Nicholas and Sophie Dorazio) (Arrow Resort) on the Chippewa Flowage when he got a call that a big musky was caught and it was at Herman’s Landing Resort.
My uncle could not drive, so he asked his neighbor, Bill Asmus, to give him a ride to Herman’s Landing. Bill agreed and took him to Herman’s. My uncle said when he walked into the door at Herman’s, the musky was laying on the barroom floor and was still wet.
Louie was at the bar with a group of people around him having drinks and celebrating.
My uncle walked up to the musky laying on the barroom floor and told me the musky was as big as him. Scott is right, and my uncle told me the same thing that Louie’s musky was as big as what they said it was.
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