a) This tournament is open to all anglers with a Wisconsin fishing license. Any persons under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
b) No entries after July 1.
c) Entry fee $175.00.
d) Entry fee includes tournament hat, all tournament activities and eligibility for door prizes and grand prize drawing.
e) Contestants are only eligible for one of the eleven prizes in the Release Division. If a contestant qualifies to win more than one prize, he/she may select the prize of his/her choice, with the next contestants down moving up one prize, adding places as needed.
f) Musky Hunt entries are eligible for a refund if they cancel on or before June 30. NO SUBSTITUTIONS will be accepted. Cancellations from July 1, 2025 on will not get a refund, but
they will be included on the early renewal list for the following year, but one year only, not multiple years.
g) Entry forms for the next year’s tournament will be mailed to previous year entrants no later than February 1. We cannot accept any new Musky Hunt entries until March 1. New entries to the tournament can send in their entry form on or after March 1, 2025 or you can enter in person at Treeland Resort. IF A NEW REGISTRATION IS POSTMARKED BEFORE MARCH 1, 2025, IT WILL BE RETURNED. New entrants: forms on March 1, 2025 “”.
a) All Wisconsin fishing and boating regulations apply.
b) Entrants must sign a waiver(on entry form) to hold the sponsors of the tournament, their agencies and agents, harmless for any death, injury, damage, liability, theft, fire or any loss that might result from participation in this tournament.
c) All occupants of a boat must be registered contestants.
d) All contestants must wear the Official Tournament Hat while fishing. If entrant does not have tournament hat on, it will result in disqualification of fish.
e) ALL contest winners must be present at the Awards Saturday, Sept. 6, 2025.
a) Tournament waters are the Chippewa Flowage, including all bays, sloughs and rivers which are accessible without portage.
a) Thursday, September 4: 6:00am -11:00am, 3:00pm-8:00pm, with photos and fish forms in within one hour of end of fishing session.
b) Friday, September 5: 6:00am -11:00am, 3:00pm-8:00pm, with photos and fish forms in within one hour of end of fishing session.
c) Saturday, September 6: 6:00am-4:00pm, with photos and fish forms in within one hour of end of fishing session.
d) Official tournament registration locations: Treeland Resort, Pat’s Landing, Chippewa Pines, and Deer Run Resort.
a) Every boat must provide their own digital camera or high-quality phone camera and have the ability to share those pictures with the tournament officials.
b) Every boat must have their own BUMP board for official photos – measuring sticks and measuring tapes will not be allowed.
c) Bump boards that slide out from the center are NOT advised. If you have a question regarding your bump board, please see tournament officials at Registration on Sept. 3 at The
d) Entrants must take a photo of the musky on a legible bump board, with the corresponding fishing session sticker on the board. For the fish to qualify, the nose of the fish must be at the “zero” end and the tail at the point of official measurement with the numbers clearly visible to read the fish’s length. Video is also accepted.
1. There will be fishing session colors for EACH session for your photos. (Thursday am, Thursday PM, Friday AM, Friday PM & Saturday all)
2. Stickers will be provided in your entrant bag.
3. Sticker colors will be announced just prior to each fishing session. Contestants can find the session fishing colors at the following places:
a. Text message blast (be sure to put your cell # on your entry form)
b. All Lake Chippewa Flowage Resort Association members
c. Facebook
d. Instagram
f) The angler MUST bring the photo and the fish registration form within one hour of the end of the fishing session to one of the registration locations.
g) A tournament official will be on hand to judge the photo and accept the registration form for that fish.
h) If there is any discrepancy on the legibility of the photo, the tournament official has the right to not accept a photo and fish entry. It is the responsibility of the angler to clearly demonstrate the fish’s length, without doubt, using clear photography with the fishing session stickers also clearly visible in the picture.
i) Any photos without the session fishing stickers will NOT be accepted.
j) Minimum fish length is 34 inches.
k) All fish must be caught on legal sport fishing tackle using artificial baits only. NO LIVE BAIT IS ALLOWED. Snagging, spearing and the use of set lines is NOT allowed. Motor trolling is allowed with only one line per person, maximum of two persons per boat trolling.
l) Down imaging, side imaging regular sonar only. No forward-facing sonar technology, also known as LIVE SONAR or LIVE SCOPE.
m) The longest fish by length measured to the nearest one-quarter inch rounded down will take first place with length and places following correspondingly through tenth place.
n) In the event of a tie, the tied angler’s next largest fish will determine the winner. If there is no NEXT FISH for either angler, then the first fish caught by time and date will be the winner.
a) First through tenth places will be awarded prizes.
b) 11th Place fish is a drawing for all fish entered from 11th place on up.
c) Each winner is allowed only one prize.
d) If any prizes are not won through the qualification of fish, they will be drawn for at the Awards Ceremony after the Grand Prize drawing so all participants are eligible.
e) GRAND PRIZE DRAWINGS: All entrants are eligible for the grand prize drawing to be held at the awards ceremony. You must be present to win.
f) Door prizes will be given away Wednesday at The Landing, Thursday at Deer Run and at the Awards Ceremony at Treeland Resort on Saturday. You must be present to win.
a) Written protests must be made prior to 5:30pm on Saturday, Sept. 6, 2025 with a $25 protest fee submitted with the protest. ($25 returned if protest accepted)
b) Parties involved may be called before the LCFRA Board for remediation within two hours.
c) Any contestant under protest may continue fishing, however the catch will not be tallied until the protest is resolved.
d) The tournament committee, acting in the best interest of the tournament, may initiate a protest against any contestant at any time during the tournament.
e) The decision of the tournament committee is final in all cases.
a) All rules have loopholes. It is our intention to provide an honest, sportsmanlike tournament. In the interest of good sportsmanship, all contestants are reminded that the “spirit of the rule” will prevail in all judgement cases.
a) All decisions of the tournament committee are final.
b) The tournament committee reserves the right to reject any fish entries.
c) Any infraction of these rules will result in immediate disqualification of either the fish, tournament entry or both.
d) The tournament committee reserves the right to use any legal means to authenticate the fish registered.
a) Northern pike can be registered at any tournament registration location.
b) Entrants will fill out the “PIKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT(PIP)” form for any pike harvested for a chance to $100 cash by drawing at the Awards Ceremony on Saturday. These registrations will also go into the drawings for prizes by the LCFRA in Oct., 2025. You DO NOT have to be present for the October, 2025 drawings.
c) All “PIP” tickets must be turned in to Treeland Resort by 5:00 pm on Saturday for $100 drawing.
d) Per Wisconsin fishing regulations, entrants are limited to 10 Pike per day with a limit of 10 per day possession limit. We encourage harvesting 24″ and under.